Medtem ko je Harry opravljal svoje kraljeve dolžnosti, se je iz zbrane množice zaslišalo: “Tukaj je! Lepši je v živo!”
At McKenzies Jetty The Duke of Sussex met Rangers to learn more about the work involved in the preservation of Fraser Island (K’gari). #RoyalVisitAustralia
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 22 October 2018
Za tem se je slišal drugi glas iz publike, ki se je strinjal s to trditvijo. “Strinjam se!” piše, Harry pa je na to zardel. Potem se je zbral in rekel: “To bom vzel kot kompliment,” na kar je požel veliko navdušenja zbranih in velik aplavz.
Today The Duke of Sussex unveiled The @QueensCanopy dedication for the Forests of Fraser Island (K’gari). #RoyalVisitAustralia
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 22 October 2018
Kompliment, zaradi katerega je Harry zardel, naj bi mu namenila 72-letna Mally Clarke. “Nisem vedela, kaj govorim. Ko se je pojavil tam, sem takoj pomislila, da je v živo še veliko lepši,” je kasneje povedala upokojenka.
“It is up to us now to protect this paradise together — not just because it looks beautiful, but because it is an essential part of our existence and will continue to be for our children and their children’s children.” — The Duke of Sussex @QueensCanopy #RoyalVisitAustralia
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 22 October 2018