Boli, ko gledaš: Tako izgleda, ko “zdrobiš” 228.000 evrov

Boli, ko gledaš: Tako izgleda, ko “zdrobiš” 228.000 evrov

Milijonarju Zahidu Khanu je lani aprila policija zaplenila dragocen avtomobil zaradi suma o kraji.

Zahid ni imel papirjev za avtomobil znamke Ferrari 458 Spider, vreden 200.000 funtov (228.000 evrov), zaradi česar je policija z razlogom sumila, da je avtomobil ukraden.

Lastnik avtomobila je trdil, da je bilo vozilo kupljeno preko posrednika na dražbi ter da bodo dokumenti dostavljeni naknadno, poroča Autostart.

Na sodišču je spoznal, da je policija zaradi “neustrezne homologacije in neveljavnega zavarovanja” že odobrila uničenje avtomobila.

This is my Ferrari the police crushed unlawfully!! It has taken them almost 1 year to give answers , I wonder why ? My car was insured, and I was the owner. They went behind my back and removed a court order that was imposed on the car without notifying my self or my legal team, although the police was put on notice that if they were to go court, they had to inform us first. They failed to return my car so I had no choice to take the officer to court. So we put them on notice to attend court, in return the officer went to court behind our back a few days before the hearing that we arranged with them and removed the car from the court order and destroyed it the next day!! I saved my ass off to buy this car and it was of sentimental value to me and my family. The police had no right to do what they did and it is very sad! This money could have gone to a good cause, as a Ferrari broken for parts is worth more then the car as a whole! We pay our taxes and In return the officers act like this in a public office!I will not give anyone consent to use this video without my self being asked first thanks.

Objavil/a Zahid Khan dne 18. marec 2018

“To je moj Ferrari, ki ga je policija nezakonito zdrobila. Eno leto je trajalo, da so objavili posnetek, sprašujem se , zakaj,” je napisal Khan pod video, ki ga je objavil na svojem Facebook profilu in dodal, da je bil avto zavarovan, ter da je bil uničen za njegovim hrbtom.

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