Tudi vi spijete dve kavi na dan? Verjetno se sploh ne zavedate, koliko kalorij zaužijete

Tudi vi spijete dve kavi na dan? Verjetno se sploh ne zavedate, koliko kalorij zaužijete

Ljubitelji kave, pozor! Če pazite na linijo, boste morda šokirani, koliko kalorij na dan vnesete v svoje telo, ne da bi se tega sploh zavedali. Veliko kalorij v telo vnesete s tekočino, vključno s kavo. Koliko, pa je odvisno od vrste kave, ki jo pijete.

To je grafično pokazal trener Graeme Tomlinson, ki je želel obvestiti svoje sledilce na Instagramu, naj bodo pozorni na to težavo.

“Nič ni narobe z uživanjem kapučina, latte kave ali macchiata s karamelo, vendar takšne pijače pogosto vplivajo na kalorični deficit, če ga poskušate doseči in izgubiti kakšen kilogram,” je zapisal.

Na jasnem primeru je pokazal, koliko kalorij zaužijete v enem tednu, če spijete samo dve kavi na dan. Če ste izbrali veliko kavo z mlekom in karamelo, je to 3.500 kalorij na teden ali 15.500 na mesec.

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The point of this post is not to strike fear into those who love to slurp regular caramel macchiatos. Instead the point is to inform with use of perspective. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Though we refer to all of our coffee themed drinks as ‘coffee’, it is clear that one person’s preference compared to another’s may represent a monumentally different nutritional acquisition, especially over time. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Simply put, coffee in its purest form contains 0 calories, a caloric calculation over time is therefore redundantly pointless. But should consistent selection of calorie inclusive coffee related beverages be consumed multiple times per day in bids to ‘wake up’, ‘perk up’ and enjoy a palatable drink, the caloric calculation may be significantly higher. And therefore, over time, an important dietary consideration.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ There is nothing wrong with consuming cappuccinos, lattes or caramel macchiatos. But if one is persistently bemoaning lack of progress regarding composition, reduction of such beverages offer a very easy opportunity to support a caloric deficit without upheaval of habitual eating habits. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Furthermore, selection of alternative coffee inclusive drinks at lower (or no) caloric cost can ensure that one still ‘gets their fill’ of daily coffee whilst also getting more progress in their compositional goal.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ With greater the upheaval of one’s diet comes reduced chances of long term adherence. But with smaller upheaval comes greater chance of long term adherence. For fat loss, long term adherence is the catalyst in building meaningful, educated eating patterns that support incremental change over time.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Whether it’s coffee, a biscuit or any given food, seemingly insignificant alternations to minuscule parts of overall diet are likely to be the tweaks that finally deliver significant results. But more importantly, make the results last forever.  ⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ #coffee #coffeelover #cappuccino #losefat #dieting #dietplan #calories #caloriedeficit #latte #flexiblediet #macchiato #caffeine #losebellyfat #balanceddiet #countingcalories #caloriecounter

A post shared by Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) on Jul 30, 2020 at 11:03am PDT

14 kav z mlekom na teden pomeni 2660 kalorij ali 11.780 na mesec, medtem ko 14 velikih kapučinov na teden doda 1680 kalorij ali 7440 na mesec.

Najboljša izbira je črna kava brez sladkorja in mleka, ki postavi sploh ne škoduje, ker z njo zaužijete 0 kalorij.

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