Zato nikoli ne veste, kdaj lahko končate na fotografiji. Najboljši dokaz za to je galerija pred vami, ki prikazuje ljudi (in nekaj živali), ki so se znašli v kadru, vendar tega nikakor niso pričakovali.
1. Poglejte, kaj bere in jasno vam bo, zakaj je ta fotografija hit.
2. Ljubezen ne sprašuje po letih
This old old lady was drawing a heart while waiting for the bus from r/aww
An old man taking pictures of his wife without her realizing. from r/MadeMeSmile
Threw a snowball at my dog. I took a picture at the best possible moment. from r/aww
My cat realizing I am watching him do what I have repeatedly told him not to do from r/aww
Hang in there. It’s worth it. She’s cute. You can do this. from r/WatchPeopleDieInside
Today I found a man playing a guitar in a bin from r/mildlyinteresting
Oof ouch from r/Wellthatsucks
This husband and wife are window washers in my hometown. Every time I see them they’re working hard together and then walking from one job to the next holding hands. from r/MadeMeSmile
Forgetting to chock your tires on a hill, WCGW? from r/Whatcouldgowrong