All posts by hudo

2019 MARKETING ESSENTIALS: Social segmentation and personalization

2019 MARKETING ESSENTIALS: Social segmentation and personalization

How consumers expectations towards marketing have changed over the last few years

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How to create customer profiles for a personalized content marketing strategy

How to create customer profiles for a personalized content marketing strategy

Find out how to make the best of all the customer data you've amassed over the years

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3 major shifts marketers should get ready for in 2019, according to Google

3 major shifts marketers should get ready for in 2019, according to Google

For marketers, every year brings new challenges and insights. And it’s never been more important to stay ahead of the

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5 ways small B2B companies can use content marketing to boost lead generation

5 ways small B2B companies can use content marketing to boost lead generation

B2B content marketing is a big challenge for many small businesses with small marketing departments. However, the content marketing trends

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These are the main Google Ads trends for 2019

These are the main Google Ads trends for 2019

The marketing experts at BehaviourExchange looked at the renewed Google Ads and identified the major online advertising trends for this

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The 5 biggest marketing trends for 2019

The 5 biggest marketing trends for 2019

Autumn is a good time for many companies to take stock, review the current year and prepare for 2019. A

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Here’s how online stores can offer the right Black Friday bargains to the right visitors

Here’s how online stores can offer the right Black Friday bargains to the right visitors

How web shops and other B2C businesses that offer their products or services online can use the BehaviourExchange platform to

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Mom Freaking Out Over A Spider (video)
Healthy living

Mom Freaking Out Over A Spider (video)

Spiders really are the worst!

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Before and now: This is how Kate Moss looked on the red carpet 15 years ago

Before and now: This is how Kate Moss looked on the red carpet 15 years ago

It's been a whopping 15 years since we've last seen Kate Moss's signature glamour at Cannes.

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The cute pandas run rings around the staff who try to clear up their mess (video)

The cute pandas run rings around the staff who try to clear up their mess (video)

The cute pandas run rings around the staff who try to clear up their mess.

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